Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences



Access these links to learn about your style of understanding assignments. Answer each question honestly. At the end of your survey, please raise your hand to indicate that you are finished. The teacher will come to you to discuss your result. After the discussion, move on to the next questionnaire.

You will receive points for completing both inventories.


http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm    Learning Style Inventory

http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-assessment   Multiple Intelligences



Submitting Expository Essay Using Turnitin

Enroll yourself into http://turnitin.com/en_us/home.

You may be asked to provide an e-mail address. Have one ready. You will be asked for your class ID. See the information below for the correct ID and password for your particular class. I will walk you through this process in class.

Submit your expository essay using http://turnitin.com/en_us/home

Click on the link for your class (below).

You may need to click on “Submit File” in order to physically submit the essay.


Accessing Turnitin–


Period 1: Class ID–9843948

Enrollment Password–211364



Period 5: Class ID–9843957

Enrollment Password–211365

From Theory to Literature: Henry James

Henry James wrote the quintessential novel and buried it in the most dizzying quagmire. His method, however, was admired by many turn-of-the-century authors including Joseph Conrad. James drizzled intricate structure, sustained irony, and the sophisticated manipulation of point of view all over The Turn of the Screw. Unlike Conrad’s novels whose settings journeyed all over the world, James remained locked on the British social and economic scene and layered the social-economic structure from the wealthiest (the owner of the mansion) to the poorest (servants). This short paper intends to apply Marxist Literary Criticism to Henry James’ Turn of the Screw as it explores important concepts in that theory: “from theory to literature.”

One of the notable Marxists, Friedrich Engels, would probably applaud James for attempting to hide his own opinions for the betterment of art. As cultured and as highly educated as James was, he attempted to bring about other realities: culturally, economically, socially, and gender wise, far removed from his own circumstances. On the contrary, Marxism would decry such an attempt. “Marxist literary criticism maintains that a writer’s social class, and its prevailing ‘ideology’ (outlook, values, tacit assumptions, half-realised allegiances, etc.) have a major bearing on what is written by a member of that class.”

According to Peter Barry’s interpretation, instead of Marxists seeing authors as primarily autonomous “inspired“ individuals whose “genius“ and creative imagination enables them to bring forth original and timeless works of art, the Marxist sees authors as constantly formed by their social contexts in ways which they themselves would usually not admit.

Applying The Turn of the Screw to Marxist criticism (or vice versa), it is imperative to acknowledge the significance of social and economic factors. As indicated earlier, the story is populated by the lower class: Mrs. Grose and an assortment of hired help, living or dead. Despite her attempt to see herself differently as above all the others in the house, and by virtue of her not being a relation, a guest, a mistress, nor a servant, the governess is still in the lower class because she received financial benefits.

Marxist theory sees progress coming about through the struggle for power between different social classes. There was a stream of conflicts in the novel: between the governess and Miles, between the governess and Flora, between the governess and Mrs. Grose, and between the governess and the ghosts. Additionally (and according to Marxism), one social class always exploits the other. Miles’ uncle has economic, social, and political advantage over the governess and all the people working for him, even if the power is from afar. The machination he put in place and set in motion churns in his absence to ensure that all parties contribute to the success of his home management and his peace of mind.

The result of this exploitation, according to Marxism, is the “alienation” of the worker (the governess) who performs “tasks whose nature and purpose ‘she’ has no overall grasp.” The governess finally confesses to not wanting to prolong “the fiction that I had anything more to teach him.” She had no overall grasp anymore as Miles’ teacher, caregiver, and protector. She knew she no longer possessed the skill necessary to teach Miles. She has been, according to Marxism, “deskilled.”

To Mrs. Grose (who is below her class by education, station, and by birth), the governess enjoys the conflict tremendously by becoming sarcastic, insulting, and by using tacit invectives. Class dynamics and conflicts are very prevalent and critical in Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw. Sometimes the references are implicit. Other times they are immersed in dialogue. Even though the governess is of Victorian gentility, she is heavily exploited and is thrust into extremely demanding expectations and roles which cause her alienation and her ultimate breakdown.

Although Karl Marx and Engels themselves did not put forward any comprehensive theory of literature, other Marxists did. Marx and Engels’ views, Barry notes, seem relaxed and undogmatic: “Good art always has a degree of freedom from prevailing economic circumstances…” Henry certainly created a piece of good art in The Turn of the Screw.

Unit 5: Expository Reading and Writing

We have discussed different types of expository essay in this unit.

Cause and Effect

*Compare and Contrast (Chapter 9) in the packet: 1. Compare cars that use gasoline and electric cars and 2. Compare traits parents and their children have.

*Problem-solution (today’s activity): Choose one of the mentor texts on border crisis, standing up, and events going on in our world.

*Classification (Chapter 8 in the packet)—Group information according to teacher-specified guidelines on a student-created organizer.


You have explored classification and compare and contrast early this week. Today, you will begin the exploration of the problem-solution type of expository essay.

For these types of essays, you have been required to read critically.

You have been taking apart dense readings and deepening comprehension by doing the following:

  • Identifying explicit and implicit textual information, including main ideas, overall effect, and any possible “arguments” made by the text.
  • Identifying and evaluating devices the writer uses to create tone and support an argument, idea, attitude, or purpose.
  • Drawing and supporting complex inferences from the text to summarize, draw conclusions, and distinguish facts from simple assertions.
  • Identifying and analyzing how a writer’s use of language appeals to the senses, creates imagery, and suggests mood.


1. Differentiation: Select one mentor text that appeals to you. Read it criticallyAoW 1415_01 Border CrisisAoW 1415_03 Stand Up or AoW 1415_06 World Going Nuts

2. Retrieve the problem-solution organizer and provide all required information:  ProbSolution_NYTLN_Assignment

3. Submission: Either print the finished product and submit it physically or electronically through e-mail: franceseohanenye@katyisd.org.

Due date: February 27, 2015 

Career or College: Now Is the Time!

Recapping from last week: Your survey from the 9th of January is due today. You printed it out in the computer lab that day. It is due today.

Now, let’s get to finding you money for that higher education, free money or otherwise!


Go to this website and begin applying for your financial aid. I hope you qualify for grants and scholarships and not student loan.

Good luck to those taking the SAT tomorrow, January 24, 2015. “May the scores be ever in your favor!”

I wore T-shirt that says that on your behalf.Maytheforcebewithyou_CAM01017